¿Cómo abordar las historias difíciles para fortalecer la democracia?: Un modelo didáctico

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Andrés Soto-Yonhson
María Soledad Jiménez


Considering the scarce guidelines for teachers to work with conflictive pasts, the objective of this article is to present a model, tested in the classroom and discussed with teachers, to approach the Chilean dictatorship from an ethical-citizen perspective. The latter is structured on the basis of the concepts of difficult histories, affectation, documents of memory and human rights, and the ethical dimension of historical thought. In order to describe its application, its central aspects are presented and the activities of the four moments of the proposal are described.  The model makes it possible to work systematically with the memories of the students' significant persons and with the historical accounts of the young people, in addition to accepting the affectations and promoting the analysis of sources to reconstruct the past. This promotes reflections on the responsibilities of citizenship with democracy and human rights in the present and future.


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Soto-Yonhson, A. and Jiménez, M.S. 2024. ¿Cómo abordar las historias difíciles para fortalecer la democracia?: Un modelo didáctico . Nuevas Dimensiones. 10 (May 2024), 56-83. DOI:https://doi.org/10.53689/nv.vi10.59.


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