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Camila Azócar de la Cruz


The present research is focused on the development of historical empathy from the sociocultural approach in secondary school students from a school located in the eastern sector of Santiago. To carry out the research, a qualitative approach was used, which involved the development of the third unit of the national curriculum through the application of worksheets in the classroom. The objective of this study focused on describing the development of their knowledge regarding historical empathy. The results of the research focus on the conceptions they have about people from the past, how they relate their actions to the historical context and how they perceive that their environment influences their actions. Furthermore, it is intended that students understand that society develops based on the existence of different perspectives, coexistence between them being necessary, contributing to the development of a pluralistic democracy.


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Azócar de la Cruz, C. 2024. español. Nuevas Dimensiones. 10 (May 2024), 1-25. DOI:


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